Case Study: Lorentz Meats

Can you give a brief description of your company?

We are a manufacturing company with over $1M in sales monthly.

What challenges/problems necessitated a change?

The software we were using was being discontinued. Rather than switching to a new software program, we chose to switch to what our sister companies were using.

What feature of our product was most appealing?

The reporting and ease of customizing reports.

How did our team help with implementation?

Your team was great in assisting with the upfront planning, the implementation, and assisting with questions once we were using the program.

What was the initial reaction to our product?

“Wow, this is so user-friendly!”

How has our solution helped since implementation?

You were timely and efficient in answering any questions we had.

Has this solution saved money and/or increased productivity?

It has saved us money and time.

What have you been most impressed with?

The ease of customizing and generating reports.

Is there any other feedback you’d like to provide?

The team was great to work with. They were knowledgeable, efficient, and timely in all stages of the implementation.


Case Study: Wake Coatings


Case Study: TEG Lease & BoomCo