Be An Egg! The Importance of Versatility in Small Business

Have you ever thought about the innocuous egg? It's a food staple used in everything from our breakfast omelet to that luscious black velvet cake. The egg can be poached, scrambled or fried and still tickle our palate. It's versatile!

Versatility is defined as having many different skills or qualities allowing one to adapt to various situations. In business, this means we should possess the ability to recognize and react to the changing needs of sales environments and their clients.

Sales opportunities abound as technology develops. There's the internet, mobile phones, social media channels and smartphone apps, all presenting avenues to market a product and build a customer base. It's not a static world either. Technology is constantly evolving presenting new opportunities every day. Jump into the surf and swim with broad strokes! Adapt and step out of your comfort zone determined to take advantage of each new advance. You don't want to be the tortoise.

Technology isn't the only thing evolving. If you're a small business owner also wearing the marketing hat, you realize aspects of your company fluctuate. Sales numbers may fluctuate. Employees will fluctuate. Your client/customer base will fluctuate. All these situations require different reactions (flexibility). Your marketing strategies should also be flexible in order to recognize and address changes effectively. Keep a finger on the performance pulse of your various marketing platforms and be willing to restructure such if there's a need.

Creativity and versatility are the perfect partners. Remember, your job as an effective marketer and small business owner is not to change your customer's needs but to meet them. Having the creativity to recognize, empathize and satisfy the customer's requirements develops a relationship. It fosters the customer's commitment to your company and your product. Use creativity and versatility to adapt your interpersonal communication skills thereby fostering more productive interactions with the customer. The client will better understand you are committed to meeting their needs through dynamic communication. Be aware. Be creative. Let your style of communication and marketing strategies be dictated by the customer's preferences and requirements. There's not a one size fits all approach in marketing.

Does versatility encompass honesty? Yes, it does. It requires you to ditch that "I know it all" attitude and honestly recognize your strengths and weaknesses. You wouldn't wear a top hat to a picnic or a baseball cap to an opera. Neither should you try to wear all the hats and exploit a weakness as a strength. Nobody can be good at everything. Don't be afraid to acknowledge and change an area that may have a negative impact on your business strategy. Delegate or hire help. Explore resources as avenues of professional assistance or self-education. Do you have a "Joe gets along with everybody" or a "Sally is a whiz on the computer" employee? Use them. Make necessary changes and monitor their effectiveness.

Versatility is essential for any successful small business. Change, creativity and adaptability are integral components of versatility. Don't be afraid to try a new recipe. Be an egg!


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